
What News Affect The Forex Market

Warning: Forex News and Fundamentals Can Hurt Your Trading - In case you've been living under a rock for the last 50 years, you know this blog is about price action trading. However, what you might not know is that I pay little to no attention to Forex news and fundamentals. In fact, I believe that focusing too much on Forex news and fundamental variables has a negative effect on a trader's. Where economic theory will affect the Forex market on a long-term basis, the affect of changes in economic data is much more immediate. Oftentimes, the biggest companies in the exchange market are the various countries that participate in market activities and there currency is likened to shares in that country. Get today’s forex trading news, as well as insights and analysis from the DailyFX team. We provide up-to-date forex market news from around the world to help you react to changes in price.

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Image copyright Reuters Image caption Foreign exchange trading involves huge sums of money The foreign exchange, or forex, market is a virtual trading place where dealers buy and sell currencies. Deals at today's price are called the 'spot' market and bets can also be made on forward exchange rates.

In all, $5.3 trillion (£3.3tn) was traded per day on the forex markets in 2013, according to the Bank for International Settlements. To put that in context, that's just over double the annual economic output of the UK, which was $2.52tn in 2013, according to the World Bank.

Anything around the world is affected by news, if something happens in the world than other areas will have repercussions. I once heard a person saying, if the US sneezes than the world will catch a cold. This is very similar to the affect I am talking about. Now Forex is not exception. News and Economic Data That Affect Forex Market Movements Forex is a true global marketplace, with buyers and sellers from all corners of the globe participating in event of dollars of trades each day.

Opportunities for speculation were limited by the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944 to peg exchange rates to the gold price. In the early 1970s, this accord broke down, exchange rates began to fluctuate more widely and globalisation created more underlying demand for foreign exchange.

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What News Affect The Forex Market

Financial institutions saw a new opportunity to make money from the increased size and volatility of the forex market. Today only a fraction of currency trading is directly related to the original purpose of facilitating cross-border trade: the rest is speculative. Image copyright Reuters Image caption In most forex trading, no physical money actually changes hands There is no physical forex marketplace and nearly all trading takes place on electronic systems operated by the big banks and other providers. Dealers display the prices at which they are prepared to buy and sell currencies: users place orders with the click of a mouse. Prices change according to supply and demand. For example, if the US dollar is more popular than the euro at any given time, the dollar will strengthen against the euro and vice versa. Prices are constantly changing on a second-by-second basis as currencies respond to the changing flow of economic news.

Forex Markets Today

About 40% of the world's dealing goes through trading rooms in London. What is the fix? Prices in the forex market change so rapidly that it is difficult to establish the going rate for particular currencies at any one time. In order to help businesses and investors value their multi-currency assets and liabilities, a daily exchange rate fix is held. Until recently, this was based on actual currency deals that took place in a window 30 seconds before and 30 seconds after 16:00 London time. Alpha bank gr. WM-Reuters then calculated the fix rates based on these observed transactions, which form the benchmarks for that day.

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