
Detection Of Binary Signal In Gaussian Noise

Abstract In a wide range of communication systems, including DS-CDMA and OFDM systems, the signal-of-interest might be corrupted by an improper [1] (also called non circularly symmetric [2]) interfering signal. This paper studies the maximum likelihood (ML) detection of binary signals in the presence of additive improper complex Gaussian noise. Proposing a new measure for noncircularity of complex random variables, we will derive the ML decision rule and its performance based on this measure. It will be shown that the ML detector performs pseudo correlation [1] as well as conventional correlation of the observation to the signals-of-interest. As an alternative solution, we will propose a filter for converting improper signals to proper ones, called circularization filter, and will utilize it together with a conventional matched-filter (MF) to construct an ML detector. Index Terms — Maximum likelihood detection, improper complex, Gaussian noise, circularization, matched filters 1.


To summarize you have two distributions with unknown parameters and a measurement which may have originated from either stochastic process. This is typically referred to as a data association problem and it is very common, and widely studied, within the tracking community. You might consider using a Probability Data Association Filter (PDAF) or Multi-Hypothesis Tracking (MHT) algorithm. This should provide you with estimates of the mean and variance for each distribution. Alternatively, since your noise is white and Gaussian, the ML, MAP and MMSE are all equivalent and can be found by minimizing the mean squared error (cost function), as is effectively described by the previous response. I would use a dynamic programming approach to find the minimum of the cost function.

Binary options market share. 250 Chapter 14 Signal Detection When the signal is actually present, i.e., when H 1 holds, the random variable is the realisation of a Gaussian random variable with mean E and still with variance.

This should be less complex (computationally) than the previously described EM/clustering methods. One more comment: the PDAF is recursive. Given the simple signal model it should work very effectively and at what I expect is a fraction of the computational complexity of the EM algorithm. Good luck, -B.

Overview There are many different kinds of detectors available for use in different applications. A few of the most popular ones are the Bayesian detector, maximum likelihood (ML) detector and Neyman-Pearson (NP) detector.

In radar and sonar applications, NP is the most popular choice since it can ensure the probability of false alarm ( Pfa) to be at a certain level. In this example, we limit our discussion to the scenario where the signal is deterministic and the noise is white and Gaussian distributed. Both signal and noise are complex. The example discusses the following topics and their interrelations: coherent detection, noncoherent detection, matched filtering and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Signal and Noise Model The received signal is assumed to follow the model. Where s(t) is the signal and n(t) is the noise.

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Without losing the generality, we assume that the signal power is equal to 1 watt and the noise power is determined accordingly based on the signal to noise ratio (SNR). For example, for an SNR of 10 dB, the noise power, i.e., noise variance will be 0.1 watt. Matched Filter A matched filter is often used at the receiver front end to enhance the SNR. From the discrete signal point of view, matched filter coefficients are simply given by the complex conjugated reversed signal samples. When dealing with complex signals and noises, there are two types of receivers.

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The first kind is a coherent receiver, which assumes that both the amplitude and phase of the received signal are known. This results in a perfect match between the matched filter coefficients and the signal s. Therefore, the matched filter coefficients can be considered as the conjugate of s. The matched filter operation can then be modeled as.

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Note that although the general output y is still a complex quantity, the signal is completely characterized by which is a real number and contained in the real part of y. Hence, the detector following the matched filter in a coherent receiver normally uses only the real part of the received signal. Such a receiver can normally provide the best performance. However, the coherent receiver is vulnerable to phase errors. In addition, a coherent receiver also requires additional hardware to perform the phase detection.

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For a noncoherent receiver, the received signal is modeled as a copy of the original signal with a random phase error. With a noncoherent received signal, the detection after the matched filter is normally based on the power or magnitude of the signal since you need both real and imaginary parts to completely define the signal. Detector The objective function of the NP decision rule can be written as. T is the threshold to the sufficient statistic z, acting just like the threshold Th to the LRT. Therefore, the threshold is not only related to the probability distributions, but also depends on the choice of sufficient statistic.

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